
120 Seconds Introduces Switzerland

Watch Excerpt: The Arts

Indulge yourself in the craziness that has stirred up the masses across Switzerland with a show that dusts off age-old Swiss clichés with zany and provocative humor. Pioneers of Swiss humor Vincent Kucholl and Vincent Veillon give us their take on Swiss geography, history, institutions, politics, economics and culture. What starts as a serious and informative discussion quickly comes under attack from a mob of wacky characters hell bent on throwing in their two cents, in what soon turns into a hilarious roundtable on Swiss peculiarities.Inspired by the sharp wit of the Couleur 3 radio show, "120 seconds presents: Switzerland" gives life to the local-turned-cult characters like farmer Ignacio Chollet, metal band Black Lion Genocide’s frontman, Lieutenant Colonel Karl-Heinz Inäbnit and businessman Reto Zenhäusern. For copyrights reasons, only a short clip is available here. Please contact us for any further information.

Co-production RTS / Opus One / Productions 360

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